# Contributor: Clayton Craft # Maintainer: Clayton Craft pkgname=bower pkgver=1.0 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="curses frontend for the Notmuch email system" url="https://github.com/wangp/bower" # riscv64: blocked by mercury arch="all !riscv64" license="GPL-3.0-or-later" makedepends=" coreutils go-md2man gpgme-dev mercury ncurses-dev notmuch-dev " depends="notmuch" subpackages="$pkgname-doc" source="https://github.com/wangp/bower/archive/$pkgver/bower-$pkgver.tar.gz no-static-link.patch " build() { make PARALLEL=$MAKEFLAGS # The 'man' make target uses pandoc, which isn't available on some archs # (e.g. aarch64). So we use another tool outside of the upstream build # system that gets the job done. go-md2man -in README.md -out bower.1 } check() { make -j1 -C tests } package() { install -Dm 755 bower "$pkgdir/usr/bin/bower" install -Dm 644 bower.1 \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/bower.1" } sha512sums=" 79bbd9218bd31bc2a8f1bc82b83a6cb21fbd8788cf269e24a98c43e8320f6522b4c04e2563082f81697746e00d006de33d47c96473ddc119cfb9661818774dc4 bower-1.0.tar.gz 35d6ee3ad2e7e52ce5f64f3709b4ed96b14eb04b7288b1301ef509d7fb3032fffbed40456ba898f2cbf2e90655fc70d66e31538a284f1d94af8e20e097cdc1f1 no-static-link.patch "