# plasma-mobile-nightly Nightly Alpine packages for Plasma Mobile from master/main and postmarketOS images. [The Images build script can be found here.](https://github.com/Sineware/plasma-mobile-nightly-img) ### Environment Variables (optional) - BUILD_SINGLE_PACKAGE = string: (build a single package from repo.ts) - BUILD_SINGLE_PACKAGE_BRANCH = string: (select a branch from the git repo) - BUILD_SINGLE_PACKAGE_REPO = string: (set a alternative repo url) - PACKAGE_LIST = string,string,string...: (build the list of packages) - IGNORE_GIT_SILENT = true/false: (build packages even if the last commit was GIT_SILENT) - DISTCC_SETTINGS = true/false: (build packages using distcc env) - DONT_DEPLOY = true/false: (do not run rsync at the end of a build) ### Running Make sure to have run `sudo apk add alpine-sdk ccache` (to have a compiler), `sudo addgroup user abuild` (to be able to run abuild), and `abuild-keygen -a -i` (to generate a key for signing a package). Relog to update groups. It can be convenient to have passwordless sudo enabled. Start the script: `npm run build` ### Example Command: Building plasma-mobile only with a specific branch ```sh BUILD_SINGLE_PACKAGE=plasma-mobile BUILD_SINGLE_PACKAGE_BRANCH=work/kwintaskswitcher npm run build ```